Saturday, January 1, 2011

December 31

New Years Eve.  My son's birthday and he is turning 8 this year.  I cannot believe he is that big already.  I had him in my early twenties when I didn't know anything about being a "real" grown-up.  Who am I kidding, I still don't.  However, together we have learned a lot.

I have taught him how to walk and talk.  To count, to say his alphabet and to spell his name.  I have taught him how to tie his shoes, ride his bike, and throw a ball.  I have taught him how to laugh and sing and dance and play dress up. I have taught him that temper tantrums do not get him what he wants.  I have tried to teach him to clean his room and be nice to his little sister.  I have definitely taught him that mommy is not perfect. I have tried very hard to teach him that all people are equal and he needs to always be kind and loving to everyone.   I have tried even harder to teach him how to love and respect himself.  I'm not sure how well I have done these things, and only time will tell.  I have taught him that he is the most loved little boy in the world!

He has taught me what it feels like to have a piece of my heart walking around outside my body.  He has taught me that I have more patience than I thought I would in some situations, and much less in others.  He has taught me that little boys have a lot of energy.  He has taught me not to leave glass in a garbage bag, even for a few seconds, or it could result in stitches.  He has taught me that one little human can love more fully than most adults.  He has taught me to laugh at life; to be silly and not to be so serious.  He has taught me that I need to love myself more! I have not hid this journey of mine.  He watches what I eat as much as I do right now and has been one of my biggest cheerleaders!

My little guy has definately changed the way we spend our New Years.  From the cold December night when he was born on that last day of 2002, to this year's festivities, we celebrate him on this day!  No big "grown-up" party for mom and dad.  Usually just a quiet night at home with our family.  In recent years, he has stayed up til midnight made confetti and watched daddy and the neighbors set off fireworks.

This year was much quieter.  His little sister fell asleep hours before midnight.  We curled up in bed and flipped between all of the New Year's Eve festivities on TV.  Instead of throwing his homemade confetti in mom and dad's bed, we agreed that jumping on the bed would be a new tradition.  So we counted down from ten to one, then Jack the dog and Jack the Boy jumped their way into 2011.  I cried as usual. But this year, I was crying because every year I am more and more grateful to have this kind, sweet, loving, silly, curious, and wise little boy in my life!


  1. I hope that one day Jack can read that blog. They are such sweet words to him. Even though I haven't left as many messages...I am still reading and still supporting you!!! Miss you so much!

  2. Thanks Nellie BUG! LOVE YOU TOO!
