Monday, December 27, 2010

Post Christmas Catch-up

It has been a while since I have posted anything, and to be honest, I have had a hard time focusing on this journey to a healthier me during the holidays.  First it was just because of the chaos and prepartations.  Then it was because I was NOT healthy.  My sister gave us a gift this year that just keeps giving...  a stomach bug!  We are each taking our turn with it.  FUN FUN FUN!

Also we have had some unexpected out of town guests!  Which is AWESOME... but definately took me out of my routine.  First round of texas family was here a few days before christmas, the next round could arrive before I even finish this blog!  I miss my family so much, so it is a great gift, but when they are in Pittsburgh, we stay at my parents house instead of doing the hour and a half drive.  So, I'm not at home, not in my element, not in my safety zone that I have created.  My parents have been very supportive though!

With that said, I have been doing really well.  I have not overeaten, I have not eating compulisively, BUT I have eaten oustide of meal time and have had a few bites of sugar over the last week.  I have also had a lot of ginger ale over the last 24 hours...  I know that it is not good, but I am proud of myself at the same time, because it has not led to a binge.  The rest of the week here with more family and more unhealthy food after eating sugar, could result in compulsive overeating though, if I do not keep myself aware!!!  So thats it.  I need to get through the rest of 2010 without overeating, and then bring in 2011 really spending some time on me and this journey again once we are home!


  1. I am so happy that u r hanging in there I love u and I'm so proud of u!!!!!

  2. One moment at at time. Youre on right track . Youre doing awesome. I am sooooo proud of you. And YES you deserve it!!!!!!! Love yah girl :)
