Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Can Move Mountains

Maintaining recovery from this food addiction is very much like maintaining my mountains of laundry.  If I can stay on top of it, then it doesn't feel so overwhelming.  If I do a load or two of laundry a day then I don't get stuck with mountains of laundry that are overwhelming. Obviously, based on the picture below, I have not been able to do that!!

If I do my meetings and my readings and put in the work that it takes to remain aware of this disease, then it isn't so overwhelming.  If I live it one day at a time I don't get angry and scared.

I have always hated laundry.  I love the feeling when it is done, but because I hate every minute of that particular chore, I blow it off.  I wait until no one in this house has anything to wear.  When my husband has to wear the hot tamale flannel boxer shorts that I bought him for valentines day eight years ago, I know it is way past time to start the dreaded task!  If I could just make myself stick to a laundry routine, it would not SUCK so bad.

As opposed to the laundry, I actually enjoy taking care of myself and working on my recovery.  It makes no sense to me why I can't get into a daily routine with it.  When I do work on it routinely, I feel so good about it all.  I feel positive.  I want to exercise.  I want to learn as much as I can about how I got this way and what it takes to make the necessary changes.  When I pray and focus on my recovery, I feel like I can move mountains.

So my continued goal is to carve out daily time for me and this journey.  I don't know what it will take for me to learn how to maintain the chores in this house.  But, if I can recover from this crazy ass disease like I have been, if I can move those mountains one day at a time, SURELY I can move my mountains of laundry too.... right????


  1. if you are struggling with the mountains of laundry my love - I'll send Frankie out to see you:)

    You can do this - one day at a time!!

    I Love you to bits!

  2. I NEED A FRANKIE!!! life would be easier!
